Tuesday, March 01, 2005

I wish I could live in Taipei.
It's nothing about "being a fashionable guy" or "seeking for the modern life."
I can explain.

Reason I.->
Where can I see "The motorcycle diaries", a great movie about hero Ernesto Guevara ?

Reason II.->
"Are you experienced?", a book full of funny experiences of backpackers travelling to India. Wanna take a look and take it home?

The only answers to these two questions is: Being in Taipei.

Or maybe there are some other solutions, here you go:

Solution I.->
Persuade the owner of a theater in Kaohsiung to buy the copy of "Motorcycle diaries" and launch it to southern Taiwan.

Solution II.->
Persuade the Pageone Bookstore owner to set a new shop in Kaohsiung.

Needless to say, I couldnot solve my problems or satisfy my desire by my own. Posted by Hello


Blogger  said...

For your imformation:
Taipei is the capital city of Taiwan and located in the northern Taiwan.
Kaohsiung is the second biggest city in Taiwan and in the southern Taiwan.

It takes you about 50 mins from Taipei to Kaohsiung by airplane.

9:46 PM  

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